Lieutenant Z. Mieczkowski, 2nd armoured regiment

Added: 2011-01-06

Z. Mieczkowski in 1944 Zbigniew Mieczkowski was 17 years old in September 1939, when his life was suddenly changed by the outbreak of the war. Following the defeat of Poland, he succeeded to escape his country through Romania then to join the Polish forces in exile in France, where he began an officer course.

The quick defeat of France in June 1940 did not allow him to complete his training. However, he managed to reach the United Kingdom. There, in Scotland, he completed his Officer Cadet School and was drafted to the 2nd Armoured Regiment with the rank of second lieutenant.

Lt. Mieczkowski fought on the battlefields of Normandy, Belgium, Holland and battled his way into Germany. The short story we propose here illustrates his war path with several interesting informations.

Read more about Z. Mieczkowski on the "Highlight" pages: Highlight => Z. Mieczkowski.

Jacques Wiacek

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